Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Kids are Great

This is my 1st post!!! yeah.. I did it... 4 hours later... heheheh.. ok.. let it flow..
just introduce my profile now.. my name's Runi,  I'm kindergarten teacher at GagasCeria in Malabar Street Bandung. this is the location:

In my blog, I'm tryin' to tell my expression about kids. Live with kids make my life more worth full and care much bout them. Thankfully, i can join with this school and having much experiences especially in education for early childhood. well.. I hope in this my 1st posting, I need to be a consistence woman in writing posting blog. Yippi.. \^^/. 

Ifa and Aya playing car's toys, they pretend to be a technician

Ok, thats all my 1st posting.. and hardly can't wait for my next posting. May God Blessing Us. Amin.